15 Asia-Pacific countries plan to seal RCEP trade deal, creating mega economic bloc

세계인구 3분의 1 거대 경제권 탄생 임박… RCEP 협상 타결

We could be about to see the formation of a mega economic bloc that accounts for half the world’s population and one-third of global GDP.
During a virtual press briefing Monday, Vietnam’s foreign minister explained that Asia-Pacific countries plan to seal a deal on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP, on Sunday… drawing a line under negotiations that began in 2013.
Vietnam is the chair of ASEAN this year.
RCEP consists of 15 countries including South Korea, China, Australia and ten ASEAN member-states.
India said late last year that it would not participate.

2020-11-10, 07:00 (KST)

#RCEP #population #economy

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